This website is manually updated.

If you belong to a CS department (or just happen to catch a listing before I do), you can submit pull requests to add their own information.

  1. Please make sure your department and university aligns with the criteria outlined on the home page. I’d prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and not act as a filter.
  2. Go to the Github page that contains the job listings
  3. Edit it following the template guidelines below and submit a pull request.

Feel free to email me at if you run into any problems or need help with the process. I’m happy to add information for people who don’t feel comfortable with the pull request process.

Modify and paste the following template into our listing page

- [College name](#your-college) - Deadline date, 2020
  • The closest deadlines should be on top. In the event of multiple institutions choosing the same deadline, default to alphabetical order.

Forthcoming info

If you would like to put a placeholder in for an approved position in which you expect an ad soon, put it at the bottom of the list in the following format.

- [College name](#your-college) - _ad forthcoming_

Modify and paste the following template into our listing page.

### <a name="your-college"> [FT] Your College (Your State)</a>
_[Excerpt] This is where you add a paragraph from your job description_
- Insert a statement about your **deadline**
- [Link to application](

_[back to deadlines](#deadlines)_
  • Include your state next to your name (please only state). If outside the US, put country.
  • Include either [FT] for fixed-term positions (where VAPs should go) or [P] for permanent positions (where tenure-track should go)
  • Only include the most relevant paragraph. Your full job ad should be linked, so think of this as the teaser that gets applicants excited to read the rest.
  • Make sure you are inserting this in the correct place alphabetically.
  • <a name="your-college"> below should match (#your-college) in the Deadlines section so that the internal link works.

Forthcoming info

If you would like to put a placeholder in for an approved position in which you expect an ad soon, continue to place it in alphabetical order with the following format.

### <a name="your-college"> [P] Your College (Your State)</a>
_[Excerpt] Hiring is approved - ad is expected soon_

_[back to deadlines](#deadlines)_